“The number one criteria to facilitate behavior modification are integrity. You have to be what you teach. This is followed very closely by passion. I’ve known Justin since moving to Iowa 5 years ago and he has consistently exemplified both, in spades. He has an excellent financial background and understands the pressures and practices of business, so he knows what he teaches and he delivers it in a way that draws you into the process on a very personal level. In preparing to offer the program, Justin and I spent many hours discussing why this was important to my business, exactly what I expected of the course (short and long term), and what resources were available to get it done. He then worked with me to tailor the schedule, class structure and cost elements to fill every need perfectly, well within budget. The bottom line is value. This program will pay off many times over in your business and in your employees’ lives.”
Dale L. Calendine, Plant Manager, Omnium – A Land O’Lakes Company