In today’s fast paced and hi-tech world people are more and more not using carrying cash with them. There is a growing sense of concern when it comes to carrying cash for fear that it would increase the probability of being robbed. The fact is that cash robberies are not as common as you might think. However, there are a lot of thieves out there that want something else besides the cash (or lack thereof) that you carry.
Your Identity
If there is a thief that is interested in stealing something from you it will more than likely not be cash. It will be your identity. Identity thieves can seamlessly steal your information off of credit cards, debit cards, passports, etc. and within moments begin to use your identity. Below is a video that shows how a person steals someone’s credit card information, adds that information to his hotel room key and then makes a purchase at a national restaurant chain.
Indentity theft is the number one white collar crime for the past twelve years according to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). A representative from Zander Insurance explains that when a thief uses your identity they will on average create 14 to 28 credit cards in your name.
How to Protect Yourself
It takes an average of 600 hours to straighten out your identity if it were to be compromised. That is why I recommend getting identity theft protection for you and your family. It is an inexpensive way to not only protect your family, but also give you the peace of mind that you will not have to do the heavy lifting if something where ever to happen to your identity
To find out more what Strong Tower Consulting has to offer click here.