When you’re drowning in debt, placing money in a savings account may sound counter intuitive. But this amount will help shield you from most emergencies while you’re busy paying off your debt. Your first financial goal is to put $1,000 aside as a starter emergency fund. Yes, that will not cover
4 Ways to Save With Your Christmas Budget
As I am writing this, the first snow of the winter is falling. Next week is Thanksgiving and then all of our attention will be on the biggest holiday of the year…Christmas. For many households, Christmas is becoming more bah-hum bug because of the commercialization of Christmas. We want to help
How I Purchased a Nice Luxury Car for Under $4,000.
This is a longer blog than I normally write. However it is worth the read because you are going to read some crazy things that happened to me and it is just a plain good car story. Through my recent experience you will learn: The importance of why to have a mechanic look over your
Five Common Things Easily Overlooked in Your Budget
Whether you are new to budgeting or you have been budgeting for a while, there may be a few things you are not adding to your budget. Leaving out any area from your budget will cause frustration with your overall plan. So what are some of the commonly overlooked items in your budget?
A Two-Year Old Cashier
Fellow friend and financial coach Greg Pare wrote this blog recently that I thought was so inspiring I wanted to share it will all of you. Recently, a client showed me her envelopes that she had made. Of course, she uses them to separate her cash into her budget categories. Never mind the fact the
21 Ways to Enhance Your Budget & Get Out of Debt
In one of our latest blogs, “Five Ways to Tackle Your Debt”, we gave you the top five things you should do if you want to get out of debt. Finding extra income was one we highlighted. The problem is many people get log jammed here because they cannot seem to find any extra money. Is that you? If
Thanks, but no thanks.
Shouldn't it appall us when someone offers us a chance to be indebted to them, as if it's a good thing? A couple of weekends ago my family and I went to visit the new Kohl’s store in Ames, Iowa. There has been a lot of buzz about Kohl’s coming to town lately and so we made the effort to check out
Life Lessons From Buying Video Games
As a parent, have you ever had one of those moments where your child did the right thing and it put a smile on your face and warmed your heart? As a parent you try to do all the right things and hope in the end it pays off when your children grow up. Over Christmas, I was able to witness such an