My name is Shawna Robinson. I am a single mother of a beautiful 4 year old daughter named Ava. I started financial coaching July 3, 2012 with Justin Bennett. When you feel like you hit rock bottom, you only have one place to look, and that is up.
The Seven Baby Steps
Have you ever wondered why I am not getting any traction with my finances? You think to yourself, "I make decent money, but where is it all going?"
Credit Score & Wealth Don’t Mix
One of the hottest topics in personal finance is the credit score. You cannot go anywhere without someone telling you how important your credit score is. Some people will go so far to say it is one of the most important areas of your life. So how important is your credit score?
College & Student Loans…Is It Worth It? (Part 2)
Last week we discussed some of the latest trends when it comes to going to college. This week's blog will discuss how to pay off those big student loans and how to go to college without any student loan debt.
How to Control Your Money
Have you ever received extra money (like a tax refund, bonus, raise, etc), spent it and then wondered where it went? This can be an extremely frustrating experience (one that seems to be in an endless loop). Is there any hope of ever conquering this problem?