Filing taxes—much like going to the doctor—is a task that many of us tend to procrastinate. We know it's important, we know it's necessary for our financial health, yet we find ourselves putting it off until the last possible moment. Just like how regular check-ups with your doctor help catch
The Ugly Truth of Buy Now, Pay Later
It’s happened to all of us. We’re shopping online for something big (or just something we can’t afford). We consider how we can save up for the item and budget for it . . . but then we see something that says, “Just 5 payments of $19.50.” Suddenly, getting that item right now seems possible—everyone
Things to Budget for in December
A good budget isn’t a “set it and forget it” type of deal. For a budget to work, it has to be a lifestyle, so it must evolve with your life. Each month, you have different needs and expenses—we all do. In order for your zero-based budget to be successful, you need to consider what extra costs will
How to Save Money When Hosting Holiday Parties
The holidays are just around the corner, and hosting gatherings is a great way to bring the family together and show your love and appreciation for one another. However, hosting can get expensive. It’s a lot of little things that add up fast, and it can easily break your budget if you don’t have a
28 Budget-Friendly Wedding Ideas
There are only a few moments in our lives when we’re pressured to really spend big! We feel that pressure when we buy a home, go to college, and get married. Weddings have gotten outrageously expensive, with the average American spending almost $30,000 on their big day. WOW. If you’re planning
How to Tell Your Kids You Can’t (Or Won’t) Buy Something
We all want to give our kids everything that they want and deserve. For some of us, this is one of the very reasons we’re in such a big financial mess. Saying “no” to our kids is definitely hard sometimes, because we never want them to interpret our denial of their request as lack of love or
What is A Sinking Fund and What Is It For?
Budgeting every month is a great way to avoid financial problems from unexpected expenses and big purchases. Sometimes, things are just more expensive than we can pull off in a month! What if you have to renew your vehicle registration, pay an emergency vet bill, buy an anniversary gift for your
Student Loans Are Restarting In October
Student loans paused all the way back in March 2020—that was years ago now! It’s been so long there are some recent graduates who have NEVER made a student loan payment since they’ve gotten their diploma. Other borrowers have paid off their balance, others have used the time to pay off other debts,