I have seen a lot of people’s financial information over the years and here is what I have come to realize. Very few people become debt free just by cutting their cable bill and their eating out fund (although it does help). Most people become debt free by increasing their income. Even though
Credit Score & Wealth Don’t Mix
One of the hottest topics in personal finance is the credit score. You cannot go anywhere without someone telling you how important your credit score is. Some people will go so far to say it is one of the most important areas of your life. So how important is your credit score?
College & Student Loans…Is It Worth It? (Part 2)
Last week we discussed some of the latest trends when it comes to going to college. This week's blog will discuss how to pay off those big student loans and how to go to college without any student loan debt.
How to Control Your Money
Have you ever received extra money (like a tax refund, bonus, raise, etc), spent it and then wondered where it went? This can be an extremely frustrating experience (one that seems to be in an endless loop). Is there any hope of ever conquering this problem?
Use Your Tax Refund As Rocket Fuel to Better Your Finances!
It is that time of year again. Between now and April 15th tax returns are filed all across the country. The average tax payer last year received a $3,000 refund. What will you do with your refund this year? If you are struggling with your finances here is what we suggest you do with your refund this
How to Get Out of Debt
Not many people are willing to stand up and say that they are happy to be in debt. At the same time there a lot of people that think it cannot be possible to live life debt free as that seems like an impossible dream! If you are sick and tired of being in debt and are looking for any type of hope
It Is That Time of Year Again.
We celebrate the end of another year and have anticipation of the year to come. With the anticipation comes the infamous New Year’s resolution (to improve our lives in one form or another). If you were to take a poll on the top ten New Year’s resolutions you will find going on a diet, quitting
Helping Couples
“Both of us working together saved our finances and helped our marriage.” – Kevin & Becky Metzger, State Center, Iowa “When we first met with our financial coach we had roughly $8,300 in debt, in ninety days we became debt free and saved six months worth of expenses in a fully funded emergency