When debt is piling up and expenses are increasing it can be overwhelming to know where to begin getting back in control of your personal finances. How do I pay off debt and pay all the bills while living life? How much should I spend on eating out, clothes and vacations? Without a plan it’s too
5 tips for buying a home in a seller’s market
With low interest rates, a low supply of new houses, and an explosion of new buyers, the housing market is seeing a surge in demand - which means rising housing prices and a hyper-competitive seller’s market. While the market may be challenging (especially for new home buyers) you don’t have to give
3 ways inflation is affecting your budget (plus three ways you can take action)
If you’ve watched the news lately, you’ve probably heard something about inflation, along with all the negative impacts it’s going to have on your wallet. While it may sound complicated, inflation just means that the costs of goods are going up – and your dollars are worth a bit less. There’s a
4 things to know before buying a car in 2021
Even though it’s been over a year since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, we’re still feeling some of the effects on our everyday purchases – and cars are no exception. If you’re in the market for a new car, here are 4 things you should know before you head out to the nearest dealership 1.
4 surprising things that won’t actually hurt your credit score (and one thing you need to STOP doing!)
Credit scores can be mystifying, and it’s hard to know what really impacts your numbers. But without knowing what does and doesn’t impact your credit score, it’s hard to know where to focus your attention. Here are four things that DON’T affect your credit score - and one thing that you can stop
Are budget fears impacting your summer plans? ????????
Summer can be a time of unexpected expenses – including utility bills (thanks, air conditioning), high gas prices, and extra vacation costs. When you’re battling to stay under your budget, it can be hard to know where to trim expenses. But with a little planning ahead, you can banish your budget
3 Things You Shouldn’t Do with Your Tax Refund + 3 Things to Do Instead
Tax season is upon us, and we’re all anxiously waiting for that refund to hit our bank accounts. While there are many ways to spend your refund, you want to make decisions that benefit your long-term financial health. Here are three mistakes you might make when you finally get that tax refund –
3 Ways to Save Money During Graduation Season
The school year is wrapping up – and that means it’s about time for that annual flood of high school and college graduations! You want to show the graduates in your life some appreciation, but you also want to stay financially savvy during this season. Here are 3 ways you can show some love to