Have you ever started to get serious about paying off your debt and then quit? Frustrating isn’t it? Whenever I interview people why that is, I typically hear things like, “I ran out of gas” or, “I feel like I am getting no traction.” Sometimes life has hit you with a few unexpected curve
3 Stages of Teaching Your Children About Money
If you are like me, you have made some bad decisions with money as an adult. Wouldn’t it be nice to help make sure our children do not make the same mistakes? Here are some of things I have learned when it comes to teaching our children about money.
Why saving now will help you reduce stress and spend less. After reading this title you may have just double checked your calendar because why would I write about back to school shopping in June? As we all know waiting until the last minute rarely is a good move and that is no different with
Debt Free, Etsy and Shift in Family Priorities
Ryan & Ashley Houck are like most young families. They both started their married lives in debt while beginning to grow their family. After their first coaching session they began to work extra, make sacrifices and live on a plan that helped them become debt free. “Hey why don’t we be
Client Success Story – The Engelman Family
Jon & Patti were living the “American Dream”, as a married couple with four wonderful children, they owned a two story house with the white picket fence and of course… the dog. As successful business owners they were able to create the lifestyle that most people dream of having. On the outside
Five Common Things Easily Overlooked in Your Budget
Whether you are new to budgeting or you have been budgeting for a while, there may be a few things you are not adding to your budget. Leaving out any area from your budget will cause frustration with your overall plan. So what are some of the commonly overlooked items in your budget?
Three Ways to Stick To Your Financial Plan
January is nine days from being over. One of the most common New Year’s Resolutions is to get on a financial plan where you save more, spend less and get out of debt. How are you doing with your financial plan? Would you like to get further ahead and see more progress?
Featured Guest on The Financial Wellness Show
Divorce rates remain high with money fights as the leading cause for separation. Each spouse thinks they aren’t doing anything wrong, yet neither is going anywhere financially. Good Housekeeping found 60 percent of married couples partially mix their money, 30 percent keep separate checking