Why saving now will help you reduce stress and spend less. After reading this title you may have just double checked your calendar because why would I write about back to school shopping in June? As we all know waiting until the last minute rarely is a good move and that is no different with
Five Common Things Easily Overlooked in Your Budget
Whether you are new to budgeting or you have been budgeting for a while, there may be a few things you are not adding to your budget. Leaving out any area from your budget will cause frustration with your overall plan. So what are some of the commonly overlooked items in your budget?
No More Excuses
Fellow financial coach and good friend Greg Pare had an excellent blog article about the importance of waiting when it comes to developing a power over purchases. There are a lot of times when waiting makes sense. However, there is a time when waiting makes absolutely no sense.
Back to School Shopping Tips
It is that time of year again. The annual back to school shopping season has begun and without warning, shopping for the kids can easily become a budget buster if you’re not careful. Here are 10 ways to keep more cash in your pocket this fall.
Back to School Shopping Tips
It is that time of year again. The annual back to school shopping season has begun and without warning, shopping for the kids can easily become a budget buster if you’re not careful. At Strong Tower Consulting, we took the time to research some practical back to school shopping tips.