Starting a business is a great way to embrace your passion and establish a legacy. Big or small, a business can change your life and financial standing—for better or for worse. It’s a leap of faith to build a brand, so it’s important to do what you can to minimize risk if you’re ready to start a
How to Find a Cheap, Reliable Used Car
When you’re shopping for a new-to-you car, the vehicle’s reliability is probably top of mind. Beyond the paint color, the interior fabric, and the heated seats, you want something that won’t leave you on the side of the road or be in the shop every few weeks. You know that spending more on a car
16 Forgotten Budget Items that Can Wreck Your Budget
The first step to getting on track with your finances is setting a budget. On the surface, budgeting seems exciting! It’ll get you organized and give you a roadmap to all your financial goals. However, once you sit down to make a budget, you’re probably overwhelmed by all you have to figure
How to Embrace the Stuck and Pay Off Debt
When someone gets serious about paying off debt, they go through the usual journey. First, they have the “I’ve had enough” moment, where they’re sick of living paycheck to paycheck and being a slave to their debt. Second, they create a budget and stick to it. Third, they cut down on non-essentials
How to Find the Perfect Side Gig to Make Extra Money
Over 70 million people, or roughly 45% of working Americans, are working side hustles. Of those people, 41% say they’re doing it because they need extra income for living expenses. WOW! That’s a lot of people who are short on cash at the end of the month. We’re all feeling this hit, though,
7 Essential Tips for Setting Goals that Actually Produce Results
Throughout the year, there are many opportunities to revamp your life and set goals. Starting a new job, getting married, graduating college, coming home after a vacation, or celebrating the end of the year are all perfect times to reflect and reset. When you feel refreshed and focused there's no
18 Ways to Make this Year Different for Your Finances
It’s that time of year! You’re reflecting on the past year and making resolutions for 2023. There’s probably a lot you want to do differently. And, after a year of economic woes, improving your finances is likely at the top of your goal list! You might be super motivated now, but where will you
Why You Should Cut-Up Your Credit Cards
So many of us have done it: Opened a credit card and told yourself, “I’ll pay it off every month and benefit from the rewards!” It seems like the perfect plan. Plus, the Internet tells us we MUST have a good credit score to get a house. So, really, getting a credit card is a responsible step toward