We all want to give our kids everything that they want and deserve. For some of us, this is one of the very reasons we’re in such a big financial mess. Saying “no” to our kids is definitely hard sometimes, because we never want them to interpret our denial of their request as lack of love or
What is A Sinking Fund and What Is It For?
Budgeting every month is a great way to avoid financial problems from unexpected expenses and big purchases. Sometimes, things are just more expensive than we can pull off in a month! What if you have to renew your vehicle registration, pay an emergency vet bill, buy an anniversary gift for your
Student Loans Are Restarting In October
Student loans paused all the way back in March 2020—that was years ago now! It’s been so long there are some recent graduates who have NEVER made a student loan payment since they’ve gotten their diploma. Other borrowers have paid off their balance, others have used the time to pay off other debts,
Things to Budget For in August
Having a zero-based budget that you make once and forget sounds like the easiest way to get the job done. However, budgeting just doesn’t work like that! Life isn’t the same from month to month, so you need to remake your budget monthly to plan for those changing circumstances. When you do this,
Should You Have Joint Bank Accounts?
Joint bank accounts were once a no-brainer for married couples, but in recent years sharing a bank account has become a hot topic. Only 43% of couples have joint bank accounts (another 34% have a mixture of joint and separate accounts.) This number is going down with each generation as well! But,
Is a $1,000 Emergency Fund Enough in 2023?
It’s no secret that I utilize the Ramsey principles in my financial coaching. Though I have my own method of walking people through The Baby Steps, I use the basic concepts because they are Biblical and proven by irrefutable data. Basically, I use it because IT WORKS! Why do I bring this up?
How to Stay Motivated When Getting Out of Debt
The average American has a consumer debt balance of over $80,000. That’s more than the average annual household income! If you’re working on getting out of debt, this number may not surprise you at all. No matter your total debt (even if it’s well-below or well-above the $80k number) it’s time to
How Will Biden’s New Home Mortgage Policy Affect You?
Anytime there’s a big policy change that affects your bank account, we want to tell you about it! Last week the White House passed a new home mortgage plan that’s bad news for financially responsible homeowners and buyers. This new policy could raise your mortgage and cost you thousands over your