David Olsen went through financial coaching earlier this year with Justin, and at the time was planning on completing an Ironman competition. That competition was in August of 2014, so we invited David into the office to share about his training, the competition, and how it’s helped his personal
The Myth of Financial Coaching and Benefits You Are Missing
After reading the title of this blog you may be thinking, “Uh oh…here comes the sales pitch!” Not really. It is amazing over the years how most of the people I come in contact with think that everyone else needs to see a financial coach except for them. The reality is that everyone can benefit from
The Power of Team with Your Money
With our last blog post I announced the newest member of our team Eric Williams. There is power in having a team. Much more can get accomplished, other fresh and creative ideas can be discovered and victories can be shared and cherished together. Not only that but if someone on your team falls
Introducing Strong Tower’s Newest Team Member
Over four years ago I started Strong Tower Consulting as a full time financial coaching business. So much has happened since my first day at the office. Strong Tower has become much more since that day. Since then we have added live financial workshops, online resources and now are in two
No Debt and Still Need A Budget
With a good steady income and no debt, my wife and I felt we didn't really need assistance with a budget. But we were wrong. We'd spent well over a year trying to "keep a closer eye" on our budget. We used Mint for the longest time and always got discouraged at the amount of time it took to
Single Mom Pays Off Over $24,000!
My name is Shawna Robinson. I am a single mother of a beautiful 4 year old daughter named Ava. I started financial coaching July 3, 2012 with Justin Bennett. When you feel like you hit rock bottom, you only have one place to look, and that is up.
Paying Off Debt – Third Time is a Charm!
My husband and I had worked the baby steps in previous years and had actually gotten out of debt and moved on to step 3. Then we stopped. I think we got out of debt too easy by selling things and cashing out an investment and it didn't "hurt" too bad. It was fast and easy and relatively painless,
Thankful for a Legacy
We all have people in our lives that help shape us in who we are today. Whether we realize it or not that’s what’s called leaving a legacy. I am thankful for two men in my life that helped me shape not only who I am, but what kind of legacy I want to leave behind.