In one of our latest blogs, “Five Ways to Tackle Your Debt”, we gave you the top five things you should do if you want to get out of debt. Finding extra income was one we highlighted. The problem is many people get log jammed here because they cannot seem to find any extra money. Is that you? If
Five Ways to Tackle Your Debt
Have you ever watched a football game where one of the defensive players makes a HUGE tackle and crushes his opponent? How would you like to do that to your debt? Wouldn’t it feel great to tackle one of the biggest stressors in your life? For most people one of the biggest causes of stress is
Doing the Impossible…Paying Off Debt!
I was asked on my Facebook page the other day how people pay of their debt so fast. This was in response to one of my clients that in 90 days paid off almost $13,000 in debt and saved $1,000 for an emergency fund. I see these results all of the time from my clients. So the question is, how do
The Seven Baby Steps
Have you ever wondered why I am not getting any traction with my finances? You think to yourself, "I make decent money, but where is it all going?"
What Kind of Person Are You?
Last week I hit the 100 mark in cut up credit cards by clients this year. I have to date over 300 credit cards cut up since we began this crusade (You can see a video of John cutting up seven credit cards here.). Every once in a while it is important to mark achievements. However this blog is more
It’s a Dirty Job & Someone Has to Do It
I have seen a lot of people’s financial information over the years and here is what I have come to realize. Very few people become debt free just by cutting their cable bill and their eating out fund (although it does help). Most people become debt free by increasing their income. Even though
Credit Score & Wealth Don’t Mix
One of the hottest topics in personal finance is the credit score. You cannot go anywhere without someone telling you how important your credit score is. Some people will go so far to say it is one of the most important areas of your life. So how important is your credit score?
Ability or Motivation?
I was talking with a friend last week and he said he had an epiphany when it came to his motivation. This was interesting to me as my last week’s blog was about how action leads to motivation and motivation leads to hope. I pressed in further as I wanted to know more of what he was talking about.