If you are engaged to be married or in a serious relationship, you may be wondering when is the right time to combine your finances. Getting married is one of the most significant and most joyous occasions that can happen to you in your life. Money can be one of those stumbling blocks in a
What Kind of Person Are You?
Last week I hit the 100 mark in cut up credit cards by clients this year. I have to date over 300 credit cards cut up since we began this crusade (You can see a video of John cutting up seven credit cards here.). Every once in a while it is important to mark achievements. However this blog is more
It’s a Dirty Job & Someone Has to Do It
I have seen a lot of people’s financial information over the years and here is what I have come to realize. Very few people become debt free just by cutting their cable bill and their eating out fund (although it does help). Most people become debt free by increasing their income. Even though
No More Excuses
Fellow financial coach and good friend Greg Pare had an excellent blog article about the importance of waiting when it comes to developing a power over purchases. There are a lot of times when waiting makes sense. However, there is a time when waiting makes absolutely no sense.
Who Wants to be a Millionaire
I am a big believer in if you want to be good at something you should find people who are doing well in that area and mimic what they are doing. For example, if you want to be a great in the sport of basketball then one may say “Be like Mike”. If you want to be great at gymnastics find out how
Go for the Win!
In the spirit of the Olympics I thought it would be fun to share a story that illustrates how competing in sports can relate to how we handle our finances. I will always remember when I competed in the Iowa Games my fourth grade year in Ames, Iowa. At that time, that was the biggest stage I had
Back to School Shopping Tips
It is that time of year again. The annual back to school shopping season has begun and without warning, shopping for the kids can easily become a budget buster if you’re not careful. Here are 10 ways to keep more cash in your pocket this fall.
Barbeque & Good Times
If you are like most American’s you have at least been to one barbeque this summer. The excitement of firing up the grill, the atmosphere of hanging around family and friends is what a good barbeque is all about. Having a good barbeque helps slow everything down in a fast paced world and gives us