Have you ever had a certain amount for groceries in your budget and at the end of the month realized you went over your budgeted amount? Maybe it wasn’t groceries for you. Maybe it was something else. Wouldn’t it be nice if there was an easy method to track your spending that did not require a
Are You Ready for Your Vacation?
Vacation season is in full swing. Taking a vacation can be very relaxing and build long lasting memories for the family. Even when the budget is tight, taking time away from regular life is rejuvenating and worth the time. However, if you are not careful, going on vacation can be very expensive.
Make Dad Happy Without Busting Your Budget.
This Sunday will be the annual Father’s Day holiday (which originally started in 1910). You may or may not care when Father’s Day started, but most people want to give their father something awesome for Father’s Day. The question is how do you get your awesome dad a gift when your budget is tight?
Credit Score & Wealth Don’t Mix
One of the hottest topics in personal finance is the credit score. You cannot go anywhere without someone telling you how important your credit score is. Some people will go so far to say it is one of the most important areas of your life. So how important is your credit score?
Ability or Motivation?
I was talking with a friend last week and he said he had an epiphany when it came to his motivation. This was interesting to me as my last week’s blog was about how action leads to motivation and motivation leads to hope. I pressed in further as I wanted to know more of what he was talking about.
What Happened to My New Year’s Resolution?
We are almost half way through another year and I have been wondering lately how most of us are doing on are New Year’s resolutions. Most people make one of three declarations on New Year’s: I am going to lose weight, I am going to quit smoking or I am going to get out of debt. Then why is it
College & Student Loans…Is It Worth It? (Part 2)
Last week we discussed some of the latest trends when it comes to going to college. This week's blog will discuss how to pay off those big student loans and how to go to college without any student loan debt.
College & Student Loans…Is It Worth It? (Part 1)
Last week one of the major news stories was congress debating on whether or not to allow student loan interest rates to rise later this summer. According to the book “The Two Income Trap,” 97% of Americans believe that they need a college degree to become successful. With the consistent rise of